Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What keeps you from playing BIG?

I'm thinking today about all the times I have thought about something and then haven't DONE anything with it, only to have my idea come back at me from someone else. Why don't I ACT when I have an idea?

So I'd like to challenge all of us - me included - to starting thinking BIG ... to dream the most outrageous dream ... to imagine what the world would look like if you were playing to your fullest capacity. What would you think? What would you say? What would you DO?

I would create a foundation or an organization or some entity that would be responsible for teaching school kids how to ask better questions - of themselves and others - and then to add a layer of personal accountability to that. Maybe it would be a series of charter schools which are all about teaching the fundamentals (reading, writing, math) but making it fun and applicable, and then helping the kids uncover and remember their own genius and strengths and capitalizing on who they ARE, instead of who they might someday grow up to become. I would incorporate Wayne Dyer's idea of taking orphans who have no family and raising them in an environment where there is no doubt - where they are raised in pure love and acceptance and belief - and then educated - allowed to share their own inspiration (inspiration = in SPIRIT) before putting all that information in (information = in FORM).

Maybe there is a "camp" for adults who want a week of this stuff in kind of an immersion basis. Kids could be in one part of the building/setting/"camp" and parents/adults could be in another section and then they come together to share what each has learned and created. (Thanks for this idea goes to my friend Virgil!)

This is the type of conversation I envision creating and allowing at the Summit for Bigger Small Talk. What topic or subject makes you come alive? Where are you inspired and compelled to bigger action?

Consider bringing your ideas and your passion to Fargo June 27-28 where you'll meet others who are itching to co-create with you.

Register online at www.biggersmalltalk.com - and tell everyone you know to come along.

How FAR will you GO to put your mouth where your heart is? Come to FARGO!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

What is Bigger Small Talk: A SlideShare Presentation

Thanks to Jodee Bock for putting this great presentation together. I posted it up at SlideShare if you're subscribing via RSS (or just click in to see the presentation)

Hope to see YOU in Fargo!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What Do YOU Want?

Plans are underway for our BIGGER Small Talk Summit, but we want to know what YOU want to see at this event!

The Summit is scheduled for Wednesday, June 27 in Fargo and Thursday, June 28 Dick Richards will present a Genius Workshop for 30 participants (you'll want to register early!).

Because we are still planning all the details, cost has not yet been determined, but we know it will be the most affordable life-changing event you have ever been part of! (Besides, you'll get a chance to visit beautiful downtown FARGO! What could be better than that?!)

I'm envisioning an opportunity for people to participate in a morning Open Space activity where various topics are posted and people choose which area they'd like to participate. Each topic is facilitated and we create reports we can share with the entire group before lunch. Then we move into a panel presentation / dialogue where the facilitators from the groups (who are subject matter experts) would present their findings and open the floor to more focused dialogue. From there we move into action planning and networking, and start to really move from TALK to ACTION.

These are all just ideas ... and I'd love your input.

People are already coming to Fargo from Des Moines, Phoenix, Chicago, Milwaukee, Bismarck, Minneapolis ... and we're thinking BIG and creating BIG! What would you like to see for yourself and your life?

C'mon - think BIG!